Tuesday 17 January 2012


Everyday we struggle to be perfect.  Perfect mom or dads, perfect husbands/wifes or employees, but we all know at the end of the day there is room for improvement. As I was getting dressed today and changing my top, for the third time, my two year old looks up at me with his blue eyes and a wide smile and says "Perfect momma". Of course your heart just melts and in that moment life was perfect.

I looked at other Blogs yesterday to try and understand why my husband thinks I should have this site.  He seems to think I can offer other moms some great insight on either day to day stuff or just life.  When really I just feel like a Modern Mom trying to get by life enjoying each moment as they come. I say modern because as stay at home moms in today's world I think most struggle.  We struggle with the day, but we also struggle with ourselves. 

I speak to my generation when I say Modern Mom.  For example, in my early 20's a simple intro to a conversation at a party was "So what do you do?".  Now in my early... okay mid to late 30's that question is not offered quite as easily. What a mom is today has different social struggles than what a mom had before us.  As women we know there is always an opinion out there from someone no matter what generation you are from. What you have to do is become most comfortable with yours and keep it to yourself on some occasions.  Life gives us choices.  What you choose is up to you.  People will judge me for the simple fact that I have a Blog.  I will judge other people just as often as I am being judged.

We all try to be open minded and perfect in life.  Life is not perfect, but you can make it perfect in what you see from it. It isn't easy.  I am certainly not saying I have all the answers, but what I do know is I am okay with that.

So my goal is to capture my days as I see them.  Capture moments as a Modern Mom so when I look back I can remember what was important to me.  If others find this interesting or in the least bit delightful then I am glad.  Eitherway I have a documentation on life as I chose to see it.


Saturday 14 January 2012

The scale is creeping.

I have officially tipped the scale of 150 lbs.  Being 5"4 this might not be a good thing, but when you are carrying twins it has mixed emotions.  It means the babies are growing and that is a good thing.  Don't get me wrong as there will come a time when I fear the scale and will no longer step on it and I sense that to be soon. 
I am 21 weeks and the nights remind me that I am pregnant.  With twins you never know how long your pregnancy will go and there are moments where I fear 38 weeks.  I have a two year old who loves to sit on my lap and read books and cuddle, but already those babies are trying to share the space. We are expecting Identical Twin Boys. Making the ratio of our house 1/4.  I have a feeling I might have to start paying attention to the sports channel!
It seems like yesterday that I just got married and was starting a phama sales career and living life large with my husband.  It is only 5 years later and my life has completely changed to a full time mom status and becoming a family of 5 in a few months.  Life couldn't be more perfect right now.
Not with out it's hiccups though so it is so much more appreciated when things are going right. Our most recent hiccup was the Dr.'s measuring our twins and finding one is 35% smaller than the other. This can be alarming for many reasons but the reasons are still undetermined at the moment.  We were recently told to come back in two weeks for follow up.  We will be 23 weeks then. So on moments when I feel really pregnant like tonight I remind myself of how lucky I am and a little back ache is nothing when you have so much to look forward to.
Signing off to relax and enjoy a movie, rub my big belly, sit with my fantastic husband while my little guys dreams away in bed.  Life just can't get better than this. Goodnight.